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Social Media Marketing Services

Grow your outreach on an individual level!

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, or smart watches; most of us use social media in one way or the other. It is important to enhance your visibility, outreach and presence in the minds of your existing and potential customers by using social media as your digital marketing tool. 

Yeg Marketing performs the role of your social media marketer that strikes just the right chord with your customer base.

-    LinkedIn Marketing 
Do you know you can grow brand awareness to the customized audience with highly customer centric strategy on the LinkedIn? We help you develop your email marketing list, attract followers, stay on customer’s radars and develop corporate and social relationships with your audience and business partners alike.

-    Facebook Marketing
Develop personal interaction, outreach on an individual level with your clients through Facebook marketing. Yeg Marketing not only helps you attract followers, likes, shares, on your corporate pages but also helps convert your Facebook followers to your real customers with improved business conversion rates, using Facebook ads, and other strategies for business development. 


-    Instagram Marketing
Yeg Marketing experts know how to play with the most recent Instagram updates and algorithm strategies that help enhance brand awareness, customer conversion rates and content scheduling and management and helps improve each level of the marketing funnel.  

-    YouTube Ads
Utilize the best formats for YouTube ads suitable for your business. Reach your potential customers quickly and directly. Yeg Marketing helps you employ YouTube ads in the most effective manner. 

-    Snapchat Marketing and Management
Yeg Marketing helps you use Snapchat’s geo-filters to target your potential customers, spread brand awareness. Create exclusive content, short and interesting videos, behind the scene stories and other exciting stuff to keep your audience glued to your brand. We design and develop Snapchat marketing ideas customized according to your business needs and requirement.


Ad and Marketing Strategies

Reap the full benefits of each social media by using the ad and marketing strategies on the relative digital platforms. 

Targeting and retargeting your audience for your marketing strategies is important. Yeg Marketing makes sure that ads are being shown to the highly targeted customers with greater chances of becoming your real customers.


B2B Marketing Strategies That Works!
Yeg Marketing helps small and big businesses to adopt effective B2B marketing strategies based upon their data base and business targets. We help build marketing strategies that yield:
-   Better lead generation
-   Drive engagement on your Profiles/Websites
-   Business development with buyers, partners, influencers, and advocates
-   Improve conversion rates
-   Improve each stage of marketing funnel
-   Drive sales
-   Improve your business KPIs
-   Data based decisions


Email Campaigns

We Generate Scalable, Optimized, Bulk Email Campaigns!

Email Lists
Develop the email recipients list that includes the names of the sign-ups who have the potential of becoming your active customers. Each name collected is regularly followed up with automated email campaigns that:
-    Generate constant leads
-    Spread brand awareness
-    Optimize search ranking
-    Issue announcements, updates, and advertisements
-    Direct communication with your customers


Email Automation and Newsletters 
Yeg Marketing handles Email Automation for various purposes like a mode to confirm entries, sending thanking email messages, introduce your brand and sending out regular newsletters to your subscribers. 


Website Creation and Management

We Create Websites That Speak For You!
Yeg Marketing employs the customary use of design, content and website management with a hint of data driven insights, shrewd marketing campaigns and impressive applications and features that attracts customers, brings leads closer to your business and helps you achieve your sales target. 


Design for a Value
Our experts in web designing are well-aware of the value a well-designed website may add to your business. We study the conversion paths, search factors, SEO, and technologies to create impressive and better designs.
Make Websites Your Growth Engines
While creating your website, Yeg Marketing aims to achieve the following goals:
-    Generate better leads
-    Improve consideration stage leads
-    Improve business conversion rates
-    Customer experience betterment
-    Improve SEO
-    Drive engagement
-    Drive sales
-    Drive measurable results


Social Media Management


We Play with the Algorithms!
Yeg marketing experts are aware of new updates, algorithm changes, and ad and marketing strategies issued by each social media and know how to employ these in the best of your interest.


Right Action on the Right Time
Social Media Management summarizes ‘the right actions at the right time’ phenomenon. The content needs to be posted accurately and at the accurate time to maximize your leads, and social media presence. We help you in:
-    Visual and written content creation aligned with your brand goals
-    Posting at the right time
-    Targeting of posts
-    Optimal use of insights on your social media
-    Expert use of filters, hashtags, tags, stories and other social media features
-    Targeted promotions
-    Drive leads, engagement, traffic
-    Improved ROIs on Social and Native ad types 
-    Performance and insights reviews

Customer Database/CRM Management

Know Your Customer Base Better

Yeg Marketing helps you unleash the marvels in your data! Our CRM Managers helps you find where to tap the potential of business growth in your data through extensive data analysis and measurement.
Boost your Customer Retention and Sales Growth
Customer database provides you ways to keep your customers glued to your brand and drive sales upwards. Yeg Marketing help you design strategies as well as manage your CRM to boost your sales and brand loyalty.


Lead Generation

Build Brand Value, Customer Retention and Conversion
Sales and leads are the focus of every business move. Yeg Marketing is a Lead generation agency that aligns digital strategies with business goals against digital odds. 


Specialized B2B Lead Generation Strategy and Execution
We focus our services on inbound marketing, focused marketing and account based marketing that yields: 
-    Sale qualified lead generation
-    Prospective lead conversion 
-    Lead generation marketing and advertising
-    Lead generation automation
-    Growth driven metrics (leads generated per month, sales qualified leads per month, decision makers converted etc.)
-    Result oriented B2B approach


Client List Building

We Create Marketing Personas that Pay

We guide you how to keep your corporate relationships friendly and paying in the long run. 
Fundamental Business Growth Support System
Business growth relies on strong client base. Holding a detailed client lists is important to keep long-term relationships with your clients and expanding your client base. Yeg Marketing helps you in preparing fundamental client lists that includes your existing as well as potential customers.
-    Ask for suggestions/ feedback 
-    Offer discounts/ free trials of your product and services
-    Reward memberships/ tokens / loyalty
-    And many other benefits you may achieve from client list building


Corporate relationships are based on mutual interests. Value your existing clients while you target the new ones.


Content production

Content is at the core of effective business leads generation, business strategy and execution
Grab the attention of your customers through inspiring and convincing content. Yeg Marketing offers content production services that helps
-    Drive leads
-    Drive engagement
-    Educational and didactic motives 
-    Nurture clients
-    Acquire better conversion rates


Complete Content Marketing Programs
Yeg Marketing offers B2B content marketing programs that inspire, initiate and inculcate the buyers in your business cycle. We offer
-    Content strategy
-    Content production
-    Sales optimized content
-    SEO 
-    Thought leadership content

SEO/SEM Management


Better SEO ensures Better returns
Yeg Marketing can be your best digital partner! 
Explore the Potential of SEO/ SEM
Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing are synonymous in today’s digital marketing world. Yeg Marketing helps grab better search results for your websites, social media profiles and over all content in order to:  
-     Acquire more leads
-    Business development
-    Maintain online presence
-    Improve sales
-    Optimize your efforts with your returns


Google Adwords

Yeg marketing helps enhance your visual presence in the minds of your customers through well-timed advertising and other marketing tools employing Google Adwords that help: 
-    Grow your audience
-    Faster than SEO
-    Employ ‘Target outrank’
-    Greater influence 
-    Increase ad visibility
-    Demographic based strategies
-    Keywords and RLSA
-    grow your returns on investment


Target the Right Customers! 
It is important to target a specific audience while you choose to opt for ads and marketing tools. Yeg Marketing helps you Zero in your right customers that need to be targeted whence you run your ad strategies. 


Text Message Marketing

Make your digital marketing powerful enough to convert your leads in to active sales through proper use of digital assets. Text message marketing is a one-to-one way to approach your potential or existing customers. 
Texts Brings your Customers Closer
Yeg Marketing’s text message marketing services involves the following:
-    Compilation of text messaging lists
-    Text message content creation
-    Regular text communication
-    Drive customer retention
-    Boost brand loyalty and awareness


Direct Mail Services

Yeg Marketing helps you prepare the focused direct mail lists that bring your clients in direct communication with your business. You may send your updates, newsletters, ads and brochures over the email to keep your customers engaged and updated.
One-to-One Communication
Direct mail Services include use of unique direct mailing campaigns and tools to bring forth your identity with your customers and develop and retain corporate relationships friendly.


Yeg marketing helps you use the power of Press to make announcements, important communication, media releases, and other news release and keep your business in the headlines for effective leads, business development, maintain client base and meet various legal requirements.



Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.

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